Q + A: Pooping In Nap/Night Diaper

QUESTION: My child is doing great during the day but is pooping in his nap/nighttime diaper. How do I get him to stop? Another version of this question is the child isn’t peeing or pooping at all duri...

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The Really Gross And Really Effective Playdough Poop Trick

I swear to God…

One of the biggest problems with kids and those first few poops on the potty is they can't SEE what's going on. This feeling hits and a chasm is opening and it freaks them the hell ou...

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Struggling With Getting Poop In The Potty?

Pooping difficulty is probably one of the most common issues when potty training.  There’s a million different specifics but the gist is a child who’s doing well with pee and for some reason, just can...

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Potty Training And Getting Sick

As best I can tell, there are 2 distinct sicknesses sweeping the US, in addition to the regular old colds. There’s a pretty fast but very messy 24 hour pukey-thing and the flu.  It’s pretty unbelievab...

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The REAL Question You Have All Been Waiting For…


I usually post a yearly preschool warning and and get many a version of this question. Largely, because parents are concerned about total toilet autonom...

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Fear of Public Restrooms

Reader Question: My son is petrified of using public restrooms. Am I destined to drive around with a potty in the back of my car for the rest of his childhood?

Public Restrooms.

Gross. And scary for...

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Q + A: Traveling With The Newly Potty Trained

‘Tis the season of travel and I often get this question in one form or another:

QUESTION: My daughter is doing GREAT with potty training but we are going on a cross country plane ride next week. I’m ...

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Does Potty Training Affect Sleep?

Many parents often ask if it’s possible for potty training to affect sleep. Yes! Yes, it does. And not just yours.

It’s important to remember that this is probably the first process your child has le...

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The Bedtime Potty Pit

Okay…so you know when you're playing CandyLand and there's these pits you can get stuck in, like the Gooey Gumdrop Pit and Molasses Swamp? Well,  when potty training, you are inevitably going to get s...

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Is Night Training Really Necessary?

If potty training itself has the potential to scare the bejeezus out of parents, then night training has the potential to cause full blown panic attacks. WAKE A SLEEPING CHILD? ARE YOU KIDDING ME? I g...

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Q + A: Potty Training Multiples

QUESTION: How do I deal with potty training twins? What if one is getting it and the other feels bad? What if they are different genders? Do I buy 2 potties? Do they each get to have their own special...

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A Little More On Self Initiation

I often get a LOT questions about self initiation. Most often, the child who’s not self initiating is stuck in a zone of:  “eh…Mom’s got this.”   It’s almost a laziness as opposed to not learning (I a...

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Q + A: Pooping In Nap/Night Diaper

Feb 01, 2024

As you know, my potty training book is separated into blocks of learning. This is to help each step be more quantifiable and easier to see success and bumps in the road. But really, it’s a tower of blocks and if something goes awry, you can simply go back to the last block your child was successful in.

Pandemic potty training has brought on its own challenges. While it was a golden opportunity for the “staying at home” part, it was also a time of global anxiety that most certainly flowed down to our children. Many parents would tell me, “Oh, they don’t anything about coronavirus. This isn’t affecting them at all.”

I’d be astounded. OF COURSE THIS IS AFFECTING THEM. They may not know the deets of the virus but they certainly know that life is completely different. And remember, kids are little sponges of non-verbal communication. When the whole world is a bit of a panic, that’s a shit ton of non-verbal communication.

And yes, for the most part, it was fine for most kids. But I always think it’s good to be aware of these things so you can have some grace with the kids.

One particular issue came up all the time and months later is still an issue.