So you’re a few weeks into potty training and things are going great. But suddenly you realize that you, the parent are still pretty much doing all the work. You do the prompting, you do the-bringing-...
Autonomy and potty training are practically synonymous. According to Webster, autonomy is simply defined as independence and freedom. Children CRAVE autonomy…as witnessed by the never-ending “I do it ...
Question: We are 2 weeks into potty training and while we’re not having any accidents, I feel like it’s me being trained, not my kid. I have to remind him all the time and help all the time. When wil...
QUESTION: My daughter is doing GREAT with potty training but she’s stuck on being commando. I’ve offered panties and I’m confident she’s capable of moving onto panties but she doesn’t want to. Is the...
Sometimes you have this kid. The kid who stands to poop. She’s never squatted while in a diaper, at least to your knowledge. Sometimes I get a client whose child doesn’t even poop in their sleep or s...
When you first begin potty training, it’s vital to have your child bare bummed or naked. This is purely logistical. Those first pees must be caught mid-stream; then you gently haul ass to get your chi...
The Red Solo Cup. Made famous by country music and drinking college students everywhere.
It is oh-so-much more than an unbreakable drinking container. It is also a most excellent Insta-Porta-Potty.
...Question: My son seems extremely shy or something. When I say it’s time to go potty he runs and hides and pees there. I can’t catch him in time! Any advice for super shy kids?
Answer: Yes! The child ...
A very common complaint I hear a few days into potty training is something along the lines of “He’s doing fine but only when we tell him to go….is this kid EVER going to tell us when he has to go??”
...It usually goes down like this: A Mom writes in around the 4th or 5th day in of potty training: “I don’t know what happened! It was totally clicking. She HAD it. She was sitting and peeing and pooping...
Most children who have a strong reaction to potty training are having a reaction to the TRANSITION. Going from wearing a snug, cozy diaper, keeping all your business close to your body to wearing noth...